Venta Valero in case 500ml


A natural evoo, a whole world of taste.

The Venta Valero EVOO is an olive oil extracted exclusively from the Hojiblanca olive trees coming from our land “Cortijo de Llano Alto”, selected when it is still green in the tree, just before the beggining of the maduration. A olive perfectly healthy, that is always rich in bioelements that brings all the health benefits to our extra virgin olive oil. The extration is done by cold pressure always below 22ºC.

Our extra virgin olive oil is a premium oil. It is obtained from small batches of green and fresh selected olives, with an efficiency of the olive betwen 8% and 10 % (standard extra virgin olive oil are between 25% and 30%). This means that we do not produce large quantities of our olive oil and that the procedure is way more expensive to achieve the quality flavors and aromas we want to offer.


Tasting note

A green fruity flavour and intense bitter, lightly sweet and spicy at the same time, with apple notes, green almond, artichoke, tomato plant and fig tree in middle notes. The spicy goes slowly into your mouth and then in comes up brightly keep in it in a nice way. It´s an intense extra virgin equilibrated with a persistent spicy flavour that goes bitter into your mouth and it goes away when the spicy comer up.



A natural evoo, a whole world of taste.

The Venta Valero EVOO is an olive oil extracted exclusively from the Hojiblanca olive trees coming from our land “Cortijo de Llano Alto”, selected when it is still green in the tree, just before the beggining of the maduration. A olive perfectly healthy, that is always rich in bioelements that brings all the health benefits to our extra virgin olive oil. The extration is done by cold pressure always below 22ºC.

Our extra virgin olive oil is a premium oil. It is obtained from small batches of green and fresh selected olives, with an efficiency of the olive betwen 8% and 10 % (standard extra virgin olive oil are between 25% and 30%). This means that we do not produce large quantities of our olive oil and that the procedure is way more expensive to achieve the quality flavors and aromas we want to offer.


Tasting note

A green fruity flavour and intense bitter, lightly sweet and spicy at the same time, with apple notes, green almond, artichoke, tomato plant and fig tree in middle notes. The spicy goes slowly into your mouth and then in comes up brightly keep in it in a nice way. It´s an intense extra virgin equilibrated with a persistent spicy flavour that goes bitter into your mouth and it goes away when the spicy comer up.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg